Home Loans With Bad Credit
Can bad credit stop you from purchasing a home? The answer is no. A home is the one purchase that everyone usually hopes to make by midlife. The problem is of all the things you can buy in life, it is also one of the largest commitments you can make. Many people who do embark upon purchasing their own home realize quickly however that credit can be a major factor.
There are not many lenders out there who will step up to the plate when it comes to loaning you the money to buy a home. Searching for those lenders can be difficult since they are not usually out there on the open market but there are some. With a little bit of patience and time they can be found. The internet has made this a lot easier then it use to be.
There are companies on the internet that will screen your information first and then call you if they can find a lender who is willing.
Fortunately here on Home Buyers Inventory we buy homes and offer them to others who cannot go to a bank today and get a mortgage. But all they need is time to get themselves on their feet. That was me.
Hi I’m Roberta Eastman. Due to having less than stellar credit at a time in my life when life was happening, I know what it’s like to not be able to go to the bank and get a loan. But like you, all I needed was time. It took me 2 years to get myself into a better position. That’s why we give our Tenant Buyers the exclusive right to purchase the home between 1 and up to 2.5 years, with guaranteed rent and purchase price during that time.
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