

Decorating a Rent To Own Home

Those who opt to rent a house as opposed to an apartment may still be held to certain restrictions regarding the type of decorating which can be done on the property.

These restrictions may be stricter or more lenient than those typically enforced when a renter is renting an apartment property.

This will largely depend on the preferences of the homeowners.

Homeowners who do not want to see major modifications done to the property may place strict restrictions while those who want to see the property improved may allow the renter a great deal of freedom in their decorating options.  

In our Rent To Own Program here in Home Buyers Inventory you can either paint, decorate and change the home to make it your own Home.  

This will make the home more comfortable for yourself and your family. We just have a few  requests, please don’t remove any load bearing walls or change the roof line structurally on the home until you own it.Under the contract that  is signed by both the renter and the homeowner, there is a section that indicates what are the rights of both parties.

More specifically a section that says the rules and regulations of the property and the things that  are applicable to do within the property.

If you are in doubt if this decorating project is not a fit within the rules, you can check again the contract or ask directly the  local agent or homeowner to make sure that you will not violate the contract.

Any improvements made while in a home through Home Buyers Inventory creates equity.  That equity is yours when you execute your lease option.

Here in Homebuyers Inventory we are hands on in helping people to get their dream home all throughout the process, from the start of the process up to giving you your home keys.  So if you want to learn more about us. Visit our website at www.homebuyersinventory.com  or our Facebook and twitter.

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